Beverly Hills


CA Written DMV Test | Practice

Written DMV Tests | Practice
Written DMV Tests | Practice

Written DMV Tests | Practice Not only does our state approved on-line course help make your teen a safe driver, it will also help them pass their written DMV permit test with confidence. Studies have shown that teens who use practice tests to help prepare for their exams end up with higher test scores than those who did not use practice exams.

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Practice CA DMV Tests Why Taking DMV Practice Tests Is Important 

  • Take as many practice tests as you want, there's no limit to how many tests you can take

  • Our sample practice test section also has information on helpful tips to keep in mind on test day

  • The practice DMV tests show students that reading each question carefully is essential

  • Our practice exams are the same length as your DMV exam: 46 multiple choice questions!

    Reading the California Handbook 

    Your CA DMV Handbook has suggestions on how you can become a better defensive driver.

  • Driver handbooks also contain complete picture guides for all road signs (which are part of the written permit test).

  • Driver handbooks contain further visual aids to help make sense of test questions that may appear on your test.

  • Your driver handbook also has additional information about auto insurance regulations, DMV forms, and what to do in the event of an accident

  • Answers to every question that will appear on your permit test can be found in your handbook.

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  • Partners: Traffic Driving School Drivers Eds

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